As part of the healthcare system and in partnership with other organizations, we support adults with physical disabilities and complex needs to live as independently as possible.
We will be the leader of collaborative support for adults living independently in their community.
RESPECT - Everyone has the right to be respected and the responsibility to ‘respect’ others.
TEAMWORK - Everyone is willing to help everyone everywhere; be flexible and adaptable in your role.
COMMUNICATION/LISTENING - Seek to understand before being understood and communicate openly and positively.
INNOVATION – Develop innovative/ creative solutions to problems and strive for excellence in all we do.
Together we seek to improve our client centered experience (provide a homelike atmosphere; integrate/partner with others when warranted; provide for openness, privacy, seamless, continuous improvement to safety and quality care).
We are efficient in everything we do (make strategic investment in facilities, equipment, technology, maximizing on opportunity, providing best value for our money).
We grow and recognize our talent (maximize team building; provide for great leadership; provide for an engaged and skilled workforce. We strive to create a safe, supportive, quality workplace that supports client-centered care and collaborative practices).