Date: September 22, 2015
Brantford, ON – FOCUS Accreditation is pleased to announce that Participation House Brantford (PH Brantford) has been successful in its bid to be accredited by FOCUS Accreditation for four years from August 2015 – August 2019.
FOCUS Accreditation looks at all aspects of how an organization provides services – from how people are supported to the effectiveness of the operations. FOCUS Accreditation sent a team of four people to review Participation House Brantford’s services on-site, for three days. The team, observed how services were provided, reviewed data, and collected input from various people who have a stake in the services being provided.
Many strengths were identified at Participation House Brantford including:
Participation House Brantford is described by stakeholders as a “leader in the community”. It has for many years demonstrated flexibility in terms of service design and delivery so as to meet the changing needs of the community.
PH Brantford’s Executive Director, Sherry Kerr is described as proactive, progressive, and purposeful. She is informed and forward thinking, having guided the organization through much change.
"PH Brantford can now include among its recent accomplishments its 4-year accreditation with FOCUS,” commented Cheryl Whiteman, Executive Director, FOCUS.
“We are extremely proud of the supports and services we offer to people in our community with physical disabilities and complex care needs. This Accreditation is a result of the compassionate and dedicated staff who care for the many people supported by Participation House Brantford” says Margot Neill, Chair of the Board.
About FOCUS Accreditation
FOCUS is a non-profit accreditation agency for community service organizations. Created in Ontario, Canada, by the very people who use and work in these services, FOCUS reflects the culture and expectations of community service organizations in Ontario.
FOCUS accredits the whole organization, not just select programs within. The standards reflect best practice in the way services are provided as well as the effectiveness of how the organization operates. An organization that meets FOCUS’ standards can be viewed as an organization that focuses on the people it serves, and on high quality service delivery.
FOCUS has accredited over 30 organizations and works with over 60 groups. A full list of accredited organizations is available on the FOCUS website.
FOCUS Accreditation looks at all aspects of how an organization provides services, from how people are supported to the effectiveness of operations.